Writing like a Boss
Writing like a Boss is a blog that I’ve developed since 2015 with writers in mind at every step of the way.
5 Things You Can Do Now To Set Yourself Up For Success During NaNoWriMo
If you’ve been writing for some time, you know the deal about NaNoWriMo. Even if you’ve yet to undertake this glorious, tortuous event of nonstop writing, I imagine you have at least heard of NaNoWriMo. If not, no shame in that! Check out the about page on the official NaNoWriMo site to learn more about…
5 Things I Learned About Writing After I Spent 2 Weeks in the UK
The train ride back to our hotel in London was full of characters, plots, settings, imagery, swirling around the insides of my eyelids like glitter when I closed my eyes. Here’s what I learned about writing through this experience in the UK.
How To Plan Your Short Story (+ Free Planning Workbook!)
Effectively and efficiently prepare to write your short story and set yourself up for success.
The Rabbit Hole to Wonderland: a Reflection on the Journey of Writing a Novel
The lingering aroma of burnt pumpkin cookies wafting from the kitchen reminds me of the date. It’s autumn again. That tells me it’s been four years since I started this book, and I haven’t published a page. My ambitions of publication and daydreams of sold-out book signings are worn and threadbare now. Sitting in my…
Let’s Talk Writing Anxiety: How to Address & Deal in a Healthy Way
Does writing make you anxious? Are you afraid of publishing, one-star reviews, or failure? Is the state of the world simply too much for you to focus on writing? Are these fears hurting you today? If the answer to any of those is yes, then this article is for you, writer.
How I Stay Inspired to Write (Even During a Pandemic)
Writing is like a relationship: you have to put effort in to keep the spark alive. If you don’t feed your love for writing, your inspiration well dries up, and it becomes difficult to continue creating. But how do we make sure our well runneth over? Writers, that’s what we’re talking about today.
10 Cheap Items Book-Lovers Should Order From Amazon During Social Isolation
Each item on this list is free shipping eligible, 4.5+ stars, less than $20, and perfect for book-lovers and writers alike!
Is My Novel Too Short? – Thoughts on the Word-Count Obsession
I won’t deny the importance of word-count. But I begin to wonder if we’ve gone too far in the pressures of word-count goals.
I Tried 3 Different Types of Journaling: Here Are My Thoughts
Hello hello, writers and readers! If you’ve been following me on Instagram, you might know that I’m a fervent journal-er. I’ve been journaling every night since spring 2017, and I’ve loved it enough to keep the practice going.
10 Amazon Gifts to Treat Yourself to When You Meet Your Next Writing Milestone
Isn’t it an amazing feeling when you hit a writing goal or milestone? Finished a first draft? Met an editing goal? Landed an agent? Wrapped up that super hard chapter? Whatever it was, you worked hard and you deserve to celebrate! And what better way to do so than buying yourself a little writerly gift?…
Affirmations for the Struggling Writer
I believe the best work comes from joy. But as a writer, it can be difficult to hold onto joy. With that in mind, here are 6 affirmations to remember. I wrote them based on what I’ve learned through my own personal struggles. I hope they mean as much to you as they do to…
10 Warning Signs of Amateurish Writing & How to Fix Them
As writers, the last thing we want to do is appear amateurish.
My Book was Scheduled to Come out 2 Years Ago, and I’m Still Editing
I can say with all honesty that I’ve never worked harder on anything than I have this novel.
10 Books Every Writer Should Have on Their Summer Reading List
For writers, reading is like an inhale; while writing is the exhale. You can write without reading all you want, but odds are, you won’t see much improvement.
How to Make a Character’s Death Heartbreaking (2019 edition)
Though I killed off a lot of characters back then, I wasn’t careless: it was all intentional. Those deaths moved the plot forward, as any character death should, and had been placed strategically. But what were those strategies? How did I kill off characters so meaningfully, it hurt the reader while still advancing the plot?…
5 Tiny Tricks That Improve Your Writing Instantly
Often I’ll see a writing tip that sounds great, until I think about it and realize, “Well, it sounds simple, but how do I even go about doing that?” These five tips aren’t like that. These are my favorite, most impactful tips, so basic that you can implement them into your own writing immediately. Sound…
10 Gifts Under $20 Every Writer Would Love
For that special writer in your life. Yep, even yourself!
Self-Doubt – Why I’m not an Instagram-Perfect Writer
Suddenly, it’s all falling apart. What if I’m wasting my time by rewriting? What if changing all of this was unnecessary? What if this never pans out? What if I’m not good enough?
Why it’s Important for Writers to Make New Year’s Resolutions
Write down your goals. Put it on a Post-It Note. Make it your wallpaper. Tape it to your bathroom mirror. Motivation is key to making your resolutions reality. And you can be your own biggest cheerleader! Make sure your goals inspire you every single day, because that inspiration can propel you a long way.
Dear NaNoWriMo Loser:
Writing is deep work, and it’s hard. Experienced writers struggle. I struggle. That perfect #amwriting Instagram account struggles. It’s not just you. You aren’t alone.
Alternatives to Writing the NaNoWriMo 50K
For some writers, NaNoWriMo just isn’t as doable as it is for others. And whatever the reason, have no fear! Here are 4 alternatives to the daunting 50K.
6 Things I Want New Writers to Know
You felt the need to write. You had an idea that just had to come out. And you went for it. That takes real courage. Writing is a scary adventure, but you jumped right in anyway. You’re amazing.
50 Deep Questions for Getting to Know Your Characters
You can have the plot of a NY Times bestseller and prose of an 18th century poet, but without good characters, none of that matters. Which is why I’ve made this list!
10 Ways to Stay Motivated During NaNoWriMo
A while back, I asked for suggestions on Instagram for a new NaNo post. Overall, I saw four main themes in the DMs I quickly received: keeping motivated, keeping focused, avoiding burnout, and writing snacks (which is most important, obviously). So, with November fast-approaching, here are my 10 best tips for absolutely slaying those 50K words.
Well, That Didn’t go as Planned: Confessions of a Writer Who Doesn’t Know What She’s Doing
I literally just wrote a few weeks ago how my book is “wrapping up” and “almost done” and “final editing” blah blah blah. What happened?! I was so sure of myself! I had such a great plan laid out. It was gonna be perfect! Here’s the thing, though: sometimes – most times – my own…
Writing a Prologue Your Reader Won’t Skip
Fun fact: writers love writing prologues. But readers hate having to read them! So what are you, a writer who loves prologues, going to do? Most advice you’ll find will tell you to avoid them at all costs. But there are better solutions, writers! Which is why I’ve written down my top 4 tips &…
How to OWN Camp NaNoWriMo & Set Yourself up for Success
But how can we ensure we do well at Camp? What steps can we take to help us meet our goal? That’s what we’ll talk about today!
Why Taking Breaks from Your Writing is Beneficial
Taking breaks from your writing is, in so many ways, highly beneficial to your health, motivation, and – believe it or not – your productivity! Today, I’m going to share my success in taking breaks and how it helped me write a better novel, as well as why you need to step away from the computer, notebook,…
7 Reasons I LOVE to Write (and 2 Reasons You Should, Too)
…today I’m going to share some reasons why I love to write. Because it’s healthy to remind yourself why you do what you do! It keeps you focused, and helps you stay dedicated to your work. At the bottom of this post, there will be two more reasons to love your writing. The point of my list…
OUCH – How to Turn Criticism & Insults into Motivation to Write
Not everyone will like your book, and that’s okay. It’s physically impossible to please everyone. So what if someone thinks your book is junk? There will always be someone who does love it, who does zone out at the dinner table thinking about your latest plot twist, and who does secretly pray for a sequel.
Very First, Super-Exclusive Excerpt from “The Girl Who Frosts the Cakes” – Updated 5/11/18
It’s been almost a year since I announced my 1940s novel, The Girl Who Frosts the Cakes, and I’ve worked on it a ton since then. Shortly after my surprise announcement post, I started my second draft, and now I’m in the middle of the third draft, with at least one more afterward. My goal is…
Every Book I Read in 2017 (AND THE 3 BOOKS I DIDN’T FINISH)
All in all, I finished nine novels in 2017, while (roughly) three went back on the shelf. In truth, I started (and didn’t finish) way more than three books this year, but I only listed the most interesting. (It’s totally not because I couldn’t remember the rest. Trust me.)
The Best Uses for Pinterest “Sections” for Writers
You have no idea how long I’ve waited for this update. (Here’s a hint: years.) As an organization nut, the thought of systematizing my Pinterest profile even further was magical. But unattainable. Think a unicorn. But that’s not a very good analogy, because unicorns weren’t added in a recent update. “Sections” were! So, based on that, we can…
Second Draft Completed! … Now What? (“The Girl Who Frosts the Cakes” Status Update)
Cue the confetti, y’all! Today is my victory day. Heck, this is my victory year.
NaNoWriMo Prep – How I Plan My Novels & Why it Works
“Writing is like driving at night in the fog. You can only see as far as your headlights, but you can make the whole journey that way.” – E.L. Doctorow That quote describes my “plantsing” style perfectly: I have an idea as to what I’m doing, but I also like to be surprised by my own story.…
How Many Words Make a Novel?
Questions just about every writer has asked him- or herself: Just how many words does it take to make a novel? Is there a certain word-count? And how do I know if my novel is too short/long? If you are that writer, here is a quick, simplistic post for you, based entirely on the research…
Why You Need an Ideal Reader (& How to Find Yours)
you definitely need an ideal reader. There isn’t any going around it, so please don’t try. I’ve said this in many other posts before, but here it is again: don’t write a novel for a broad audience. Write with one person in mind (i.e. an ideal reader) to make it deeper and more personal
The Most Efficient Ways to Research Historical Fiction
Plan out your story, at least the bare basics like setting and main characters, writing down what you’ll need to research later on. Maybe keep a document on your phone, or a page in your journal. This, I believe, is the most effective way to avoid wasting your time on useless information. But how can…
5 Things Healthy Writers DON’T do – Taking Care of Yourself as a Writer
So here’s a post that speaks from my own experience as an unhealthy writer. Once I acknowledged that my habits were less than stellar, I took action, and now I’m writing more consistently and better than ever. So here is the secret to my success
How to Build a Story from Nothing Using Pinterest
I’ve written about Pinterest story-boards a lot, and how much I enjoy making them. But all of those posts covered making boards for novels that already exist, or books you’d started planning beforehand. And it occurred to me: why not make a story-board for a story that hasn’t been written yet? That’s what we’re going…
How I Became More Productive in My Writing
…Which is why I’m sharing this good news with you: I am doing so much better on my novel now. In the past 2-3 days, I’ve written thousands of words! That’s a pretty darn big deal for me. So, for the first time in months, I’m on track again! Right now, my goal is to have the novel…
Plot Twist Ideas to Shock Your Reader
This is a rewrite of last year’s Plot Twist Ideas to Shock Your Reader. I referenced the original post for my own story (once my posts get old enough, I forget what I’d written 😉 ), but I didn’t find it very helpful. And thus, this rewrite was born! Not everything in this post is…
9 Ways to be More Confident in Your Writing
Fun fact: the majority of my blog posts are totally unedited. I don’t even proofread! Any time I think I’m not confident enough in my writing, I remember this fun fact. Because if I really despised my writing so much, why on earth would I be plastering this online for the whole world to see?…
Irritation in the Book Aisle – Writing the Book You Want to Read
I walked up and down the book aisles of Target. Back and forth. Scanning the shelves with remarkable care, even though every title is familiar by now. Give me some credit: I don’t have a real bookstore near me. Books-A-Million is a half hour away, McKay’s is further, and Barnes and Noble is even further.…
Why Every Writer Needs to Have a Pinterest
Why has something as simple as Pinterest helped me grow as a writer? What are the real benefits of it? That’s exactly what we’re gonna talk about. I’ve written a few articles about Pinterest already, but those zero in on specific topics. Today we’re going to zoom out a little and take a look at…
25 World-Building Questions to Deepen Your Fantasy World
I love writing fantasy. In all honesty, it’s probably my favorite genre (as far as writing goes, anyway). It’s the genre in which I always wrote when I was younger, so going back to it is like holding an old stuffed animal to your chest. It’s ragged, worn, and off-colored, but it smells like home.
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