I Tried 3 Different Types of Journaling: Here Are My Thoughts

Hello hello, writers and readers! If you’ve been following me on Instagram, you might know that I’m a fervent journal-er. I’ve been journaling every night since spring 2017, and I’ve loved it enough to keep the practice going.

And over the years, I’ve tried three core types of journaling:

  1. bullet journaling
  2. daily log journaling
  3. deep thought journaling

These are what we’re going to go over today!

This list is my own personal experience with these types of journaling, and all the following pictures are from my own journals.


Bullet journaling is trending right now, so I’m willing to bet you’ve at least heard of it. It’s an artsy way, even for non-artists, to organize and design their journals.


I enjoyed bullet journaling for the artistic side of it. I didn’t go all-out like some do, but I liked making layouts and monthly cover pages in my regular journal. I also had a mood-tracker for several months, and once I went as far as a habit-tracker.


I wasn’t a fan of the time it took to design the layouts. It isn’t something I would realistically do daily, or even weekly. I fell out of the habit once I got busier, and didn’t have much of a desire to pick it up again.


If you’re artistic, or feel the need to organize your habits, I would recommend bullet journaling to you. To get started, I suggest doing a Pinterest search for, “bullet journal layout,” or, “bullet journal ideas.”


Daily log journaling is exactly how it sounds: you write about the events of your day.


It was fast and simple. Usually I opened with, “today was [emotion],” then a list of things I did that day that corresponded with that emotion.

It was also great to look back on old journaling pages to see what I was up to back then; it was like looking through a photo album.


It wasn’t beneficial. The point of journaling is to improve your own mental wellbeing, and this “today was good” style of journaling wasn’t fulfilling in any way.


If you decide to try this type of journaling, please try to do it better than I did! I recommend combining it with one of the other types in this list; otherwise, it wouldn’t be fulfilling to you.


Deep journaling is the most beneficial to your mental health. You write about your feelings and problems with honesty, and through putting it all on the page, it shifts things into perspective.


This has been, so far, my favorite. I like it because it helps me process my feelings, something that’s otherwise difficult for me, as well as uncovers emotions that I might have been subconsciously covering. It also pairs well with prayer!


It takes a big longer to pour your feelings on a page than it does to write about your day; but honestly, I don’t mind the extra time. It’s worth it. Overall, there isn’t much I dislike about deep journaling.


Yes! Yes! Yes! I 100% recommend this type of journaling to everyone.

If you decide to try it, here’s a list of prompts that help me if I can’t figure out what to write about:



As a whole, my personal favorite type of journaling listed here is deep journaling. But don’t knock the others just based on my opinion: if one, or all, of these sound interesting to you, go for it! It takes some trial and error.

Journaling isn’t a perfect activity. Odds are, no matter what you write, you’ll probably look back in a few years and cringe. Which is okay: that just means you’ve grown.

Have you tried any of these? What were your thoughts? Share below!

As always: happy writing.


5 responses to “I Tried 3 Different Types of Journaling: Here Are My Thoughts”

  1. Tim Halbert

    Thanks for the post Sam. I find deep journaling to be one of the best investments in time that I can make in myself. As I reflect on what I’m experiencing, journaling helps me to discover the narrative of God’s redeeming power in my life.

    1. Agreed, Tim! I feel the same way.

  2. I have kept a journal since December 2002. I don’t write every day, but most days I do. When I write I alternate between a daily log and deep journaling. I just write my thoughts at the time and see where it goes. Both styles are great. Don’t relegate yourself to one or the other though. Just start your journal entry and see where it goes. If you’re like me, you will find yourself wanting to write about things that are happening in real-time, including the way you feel. You might even write multiple times a day. I just date each entry and let it flow naturally.

    1. That’s a great thought, Megan. We shouldn’t restrict ourselves to only one “type” of journaling – I also switch between a daily log and deep journaling nowadays. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Thanks for sharing! I definitely agree that deep writing is better for your mental health. I’ve had great aha moments through some deep journaling seshes!

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