Category: NaNoWriMo
5 Things You Can Do Now To Set Yourself Up For Success During NaNoWriMo
If you’ve been writing for some time, you know the deal about NaNoWriMo. Even if you’ve yet to undertake this glorious, tortuous event of nonstop writing, I imagine you have at least heard of NaNoWriMo. If not, no shame in that! Check out the about page on the official NaNoWriMo site to learn more about…
Dear NaNoWriMo Loser:
Writing is deep work, and it’s hard. Experienced writers struggle. I struggle. That perfect #amwriting Instagram account struggles. It’s not just you. You aren’t alone.
Alternatives to Writing the NaNoWriMo 50K
For some writers, NaNoWriMo just isn’t as doable as it is for others. And whatever the reason, have no fear! Here are 4 alternatives to the daunting 50K.
10 Ways to Stay Motivated During NaNoWriMo
A while back, I asked for suggestions on Instagram for a new NaNo post. Overall, I saw four main themes in the DMs I quickly received: keeping motivated, keeping focused, avoiding burnout, and writing snacks (which is most important, obviously). So, with November fast-approaching, here are my 10 best tips for absolutely slaying those 50K words.
How to OWN Camp NaNoWriMo & Set Yourself up for Success
But how can we ensure we do well at Camp? What steps can we take to help us meet our goal? That’s what we’ll talk about today!
NaNoWriMo Prep – How I Plan My Novels & Why it Works
“Writing is like driving at night in the fog. You can only see as far as your headlights, but you can make the whole journey that way.” – E.L. Doctorow That quote describes my “plantsing” style perfectly: I have an idea as to what I’m doing, but I also like to be surprised by my own story.…
20 Fun Topics to Discuss in Your Camp NaNoWriMo Cabin
For those of us partaking in Camp NaNo this April, we were just sorted into our “cabins.” Personally, I love the cabins – I don’t often get to converse with my fellow writers, let alone writers from all sorts of backgrounds and countries! It’s absolutely enthralling to listen to their stories and ideas.
New to The World of NaNoWriMo? Here’s What You Need to Know
You’ve heard a lot of crazy things about writing in November. So you looked into it – maybe you asked a friend, maybe you Googled it – and discovered the details. Or maybe you haven’t looked into it much at all, but you love writing, and you’re intrigued. So what is this “NaNoWriMo” thing, anyway?…
Today started out as any other. I ate pumpkin oatmeal in a Christmas mug, for breakfast, and afterward I dug through my dirty clothes for my NaNoWriMo t-shirt. I usually don’t start writing till the afternoon, but today I started at ten thirty in the morning. And I finished at about three p.m. with an…
How to OWN NaNoWriMo ( like a boss, obviously )
(To those who don’t know, NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month, which is every November. Look it up for more details, there should be plenty of results.) I don’t know about you guys, but with November approaching, I’m getting awfully excited for this year’s NaNoWriMo. Here are some tips to totally OWN NaNoWriMo this…