20 Fun Topics to Discuss in Your Camp NaNoWriMo Cabin

For those of us partaking in Camp NaNo, we were just sorted into our “cabins.” (Though maybe not, if you’re reading from the future!)

Personally, I love the cabins – I don’t often get to converse with my fellow writers, let alone writers from all sorts of backgrounds and countries! It’s absolutely enthralling to listen to their stories and ideas.

(To anyone who doesn’t know: a cabin is a private chatroom with other writers, assigned one week before Camp begins. But you can customize your settings to get specific campers; for example, I opted for campers in my age range. Cabins are, of course, 100% optional. But if you clicked on this post, I think it’s safe to assume that you’re at least interested in a cabin.)

Due to a recent update to the Camp site, we now have 19 cabinmates (as opposed to the original 11). With so many people in such a small space, not to mention the fact that almost everyone is in a different timezone, it’s hard to keep up with the conversation.

So here are 20 (yes, 20!) topics to discuss in your cabin, to help you stay on top of things! I’ve sorted the ideas into two groups: writing, and off-topic. Because if I’ve learned anything about being a writer, it’s that we can’t stay focused on actual writing for more than ten minutes.


Your favorite writing resources

Your favorite blogs

The best writing music

How you use [social media] for your writing

How you make your book covers

Writers block solutions

Your writing schedule (and how it conflicts with your life)

Your writing achievements

What’s the best story you’ve written?

Why are you a writer?


What’s on your desk?

Your favorite [thing] (Examples: food, drink, TV show, movie, animal, color, city, clothing style, books, etc.)

How you spend your free time

All about your hometown (or home country; odds are, when you have 19 others in the chat, there will be someone who’s never been in your country!)

Your most interesting life story

Sum up your life in a word

Your dream vacation

What is the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen?

How many languages do you speak?

Your stance on religion

Got something to add? Please, feel free! I’ll add the best suggestions to the list.

Interested in being in one of my cabins next Camp NaNoWriMo season? Message me on Instagram! Sometimes I’ll host my own cabin, and we would love to have you.


2 responses to “20 Fun Topics to Discuss in Your Camp NaNoWriMo Cabin”

  1. Aynsley

    Hi Sam! I know April first is tomorrow, but I have some questions…Do you have cabins in November too, or is that just in April? I really want to get in touch with other writers, I think that would be amazing to hear others books and tell about mine, and communicate with other people! But, as you already know, I’m not writing much and don’t think I can do the April NaNoWriMo. Are the rules all the same for November? Also, is there another one, maybe in the summer? Thanks! I really appreciate it!

    1. thewriter

      Hi! No, unfortunately cabins are just a Camp thing. I understand being unable to do it this April, but luckily it comes back in July! Same rules for April apply in July as well. 🙂 Let me know if you have any questions or problems!

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