Tag: Writer’s Health
Let’s Talk Writing Anxiety: How to Address & Deal in a Healthy Way
Does writing make you anxious? Are you afraid of publishing, one-star reviews, or failure? Is the state of the world simply too much for you to focus on writing? Are these fears hurting you today? If the answer to any of those is yes, then this article is for you, writer.
Is My Novel Too Short? – Thoughts on the Word-Count Obsession
I won’t deny the importance of word-count. But I begin to wonder if we’ve gone too far in the pressures of word-count goals.
I Tried 3 Different Types of Journaling: Here Are My Thoughts
Hello hello, writers and readers! If you’ve been following me on Instagram, you might know that I’m a fervent journal-er. I’ve been journaling every night since spring 2017, and I’ve loved it enough to keep the practice going.
Affirmations for the Struggling Writer
I believe the best work comes from joy. But as a writer, it can be difficult to hold onto joy. With that in mind, here are 6 affirmations to remember. I wrote them based on what I’ve learned through my own personal struggles. I hope they mean as much to you as they do to…
Self-Doubt – Why I’m not an Instagram-Perfect Writer
Suddenly, it’s all falling apart. What if I’m wasting my time by rewriting? What if changing all of this was unnecessary? What if this never pans out? What if I’m not good enough?
Dear NaNoWriMo Loser:
Writing is deep work, and it’s hard. Experienced writers struggle. I struggle. That perfect #amwriting Instagram account struggles. It’s not just you. You aren’t alone.
6 Things I Want New Writers to Know
You felt the need to write. You had an idea that just had to come out. And you went for it. That takes real courage. Writing is a scary adventure, but you jumped right in anyway. You’re amazing.
10 Ways to Stay Motivated During NaNoWriMo
A while back, I asked for suggestions on Instagram for a new NaNo post. Overall, I saw four main themes in the DMs I quickly received: keeping motivated, keeping focused, avoiding burnout, and writing snacks (which is most important, obviously). So, with November fast-approaching, here are my 10 best tips for absolutely slaying those 50K words.
Why Taking Breaks from Your Writing is Beneficial
Taking breaks from your writing is, in so many ways, highly beneficial to your health, motivation, and – believe it or not – your productivity! Today, I’m going to share my success in taking breaks and how it helped me write a better novel, as well as why you need to step away from the computer, notebook,…
7 Reasons I LOVE to Write (and 2 Reasons You Should, Too)
…today I’m going to share some reasons why I love to write. Because it’s healthy to remind yourself why you do what you do! It keeps you focused, and helps you stay dedicated to your work. At the bottom of this post, there will be two more reasons to love your writing. The point of my list…
OUCH – How to Turn Criticism & Insults into Motivation to Write
Not everyone will like your book, and that’s okay. It’s physically impossible to please everyone. So what if someone thinks your book is junk? There will always be someone who does love it, who does zone out at the dinner table thinking about your latest plot twist, and who does secretly pray for a sequel.
5 Things Healthy Writers DON’T do – Taking Care of Yourself as a Writer
So here’s a post that speaks from my own experience as an unhealthy writer. Once I acknowledged that my habits were less than stellar, I took action, and now I’m writing more consistently and better than ever. So here is the secret to my success
9 Ways to be More Confident in Your Writing
Fun fact: the majority of my blog posts are totally unedited. I don’t even proofread! Any time I think I’m not confident enough in my writing, I remember this fun fact. Because if I really despised my writing so much, why on earth would I be plastering this online for the whole world to see?…